i made these recordings in the house where i am currently staying, a
large old farmhouse in northeastern france. i realise they are very
noisy, quite awful really, but i only made them for id purposes. i
began hearing these sounds in early april, inside the wall of my bedroom
late at night. the room is on the 2nd floor (1st, if you're french) and
is actually under the roof, so the wall cavity is between plasterboard
and an old clay tile roof. the cavity is also adjacent to a large
inaccessible attic area that i happen to know houses quite a few bats.
it seems pretty crowded in there: along with the bats and these fellows,
in the 2nd recording you can here quite a bit of buzzing that indicates
there is now a hive in there as well. the question is: anyone know who
they are?
these were recorded on the 27th of april and the 9th of may,
respectively, with contact microphones attached to the plasterboard.
ps - another aspect of this recording: in both excerpts you can hear, at
high volume, a regular static burst, almost like a ticking clock. this,
sadly, happens with every contact mic recording i make with my
oade-modded fostex fr2-le, although it is only audible in situations
like this (an extremely faint signal with gain and rec levels max'ed
out). it has something to do with the blinking green light (is, in
fact, synced with the blinking during recording) that is just above the
recorder's 'rec stby' button. it only happens with my self-built
contact mics, which are grounded and shielded and otherwise provide
excellent results. anyone have an idea what's causing this? a
grounding issue in my mic wiring that i could resolve myself perhaps?
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