Nice work!
The main subject would be a Wood Thrush - which has one of the most
magnificent bird songs in my opinion. It is a bird that really makes the
most of having two syrinxes! :)
Charles Veasey wrote:
> Finally received the Rycote system for my MKH 30/40 pair. It is great to=
> be mobile! I thought I'd share my first venture with it into the woods.
> It was made at dusk near Dyken Pond which is located on the Rensselaer
> Plateau in New York. A pretty quiet spot being only 20 miles from the
> Capital. I clipped two minutes out of some heavy airplane traffic. The
> main subject I haven't positively identified yet, but there is a barred
> owl and spring peepers ramping up for the night in the background. At
> first it sounds like I am moving around, but it was a bird moving about
> the leaves; this becomes apparent after it zips by the mics.
> -charles
> ------------------------------------
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
> sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause
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