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Wind Noise - was Lightweight mic stands, and wind shields

Subject: Wind Noise - was Lightweight mic stands, and wind shields
From: "tk7859" tk7859
Date: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:39 pm ((PDT))
--- In  "tk7859" <> wrote:
 The 7lb weight was successfully used in a steady 20mph wind (gusts up to 3=
0mph) when testing the windshield's efficacy (in this respect the gusts got=
 through but some nice wind recordings were made - I will later post a bit =
of one to the files area).

Hello All

I seem to have lost my recording of the AT3032s in the wind.  However I hav=
e found the recordings I made on 23rd March this year in similar winds; clo=
se to gale force.

In this case the mics used were NT1As but similar methods of windshielding =
were applied.

Here are two versions of the same sound snippet.  The first is as straight =
from the recorder and the second has a "mic rumble" filter applied.  Possib=
ly the mic rumble was causedby the capsule being moved around by the wind s=
haking the support which was a reasonably substantial Velbon D700 tripod.  =
Although the mi9cs were 30 feet from the house they were in its lee, so ben=
efitted from its shelter whist still being subjected to a battering.



Here are some photos showing the four layers covering the mics







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  • Wind Noise - was Lightweight mic stands, and wind shields, tk7859 <=

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