2nd that. Sounds awesome. Thanks for bringin back the noise :)
/me delurking for a bit, finished a big project.
On Jan 23, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Lou Judson wrote:
> That'll shake us up! I have a 12" 200 watt woofer by my knees and
> just had a classic "flap your pant legs" experience! Wow.
> Possible to purchase an hour or so on WAV files? I love it!
> <L>
> Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 11:27 PM, David Kuhn wrote:
>> It's kind of quiet around the list, so here's something--
>> Thunder and lightning were in the forecast for this night, so I set
>> up to record and got four hours of rain and thunder, from 2100 to
>> 0100, as the weather system passed from south to north. This cut is
>> one of the greatest hits, out of about 85 strikes--the reverb is
>> from the many near-verticle walls of Waimea Canyon, the edge or
>> which is only a couple hundred meters away.
>> Walt-modified SASS with mkh20's to SD702, no bass-cut, no post-
>> edit. Gain was set way down at 10 o'clock.
>> http://soundshawaiian.com/mp3/Thun%201-13-08best%20(2).mp3
>> or
>> http://tinyurl.com/bls45j
>> Aloha,
>> David
> ------------------------------------
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
> sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie
> Krause
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