Hi all,
I've searched the list for information on how to make Quick Time
movies for posting my recordings to the group but haven't yet
discovered how to do this. I have listened to nature recordings made
by some members which are all in the form of Quick Time movies - is
this the way to post recordings?
I have Quick Time player on my PC but most of the menu options (such
as making a quick time movie) are not available. Looking on the Apple
Quick Time website it appears I need to buy Quick Time Pro - is this true?
My second problem is how to actually post recordings. Whenever I click
on the link to the binary area or mystery sounds I get a 404 error
message. What are the addresses for these sound archives?
Sorry if this all sounds a bit dumb but I've simply never done any of
this before. I'm not by any means a techno-phobe, in fact I spend most
of each day working with my computer. This is therefore a bit
embarrassing, however, I need one of you wonderful people to explain
the process to me... Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,