> Wouldn't recording tethered bats be akin to playback of bird calls to
> wild birds? I know next to nothing about bats but it seems cruel to
> me...
> And yet science needs subjects so perhaps i am innocent of realities
> there. Ignore me.
> <L>
> Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
Unfortunately unlike birds there is very little data collection of
bats. Birds are colorful and sing pretty, Bats are grey and drab and
don't sing (in ear shot) So to protect these species we have to get to
know as much as possible. Getting an audio database would eliminate
much of the handling in the field. We can't protect what we don't
Birds are manhandled much more than bats believe it or not, too much
banding goes on with birds in my opinion. I've seen some birds that
resemble "Ringo" with over the top bands on their legs!
Martyn Stewart
Redmond WA