I'm going to upset the apple cart here so bear with me please
I've noticed lately that often when I see what appears to be a new
subject, that when I open it to read, I find it's actually an old
'long' subject that has had the 'heading' changed by the author of
that particular post.
I think this should be avoided as it does two things.
A:) - It is usually a change of topic; which breaks or changes the
original conversation.
2:) - It makes the new subject matter harder to follow as we then need
to fish through 'old' subject matter in order to find the correct
On Point there are 6 subject changes in this one thread below.
'Hempton pt2' #34711 becomes
'The Real Hempton' in #34712 becomes
'Bernie & Gordons discussion' in #34723, becomes
'Field Work Relevance - Wired Magazine' in #34727 becomes
'Thanks Bernie Krause and Travis Longcore' in #34733 becomes
'New Model: Telinga PRO7' in #34734 becomes
'Reference Question' in #34728.
For us slow speed connection types, this is frustrating when we open
each expecting a new thread, only to find the same one.
AND to top it all off, posters are quoting the whole story each time
in a lot of cases. Quoting should only be of the relevant information
needed to reference the comment you are making, and the ret removed
for clarity and ease of reading. For example, in the ongoing thread
about 'microphone cables', as much as I enjoy reading Greg Simmons
very informative posts, when quoted several time verbatim by
others.........well I think I've made my point.
I'm not saying the posts should be shorter, but that others should
only quote what is relevant to their own comments
Feel free to yell at me if you wish