--- In "John Lundsten"
<> wrote:
> The Schoeps Catalog 6
> says
> 5 pin XLR wired as every one else
> But they do indeed use Yellow for Chan 1 & Red for Chan 2 (Eg on
their AK
> 2U/SU 5pin M XLR -- 2x 3pin female adaptor cable.
> John L
Ah... thanks John. The Lemo/XLR breakout cable I've got only has a
red band on one lead, no yellow on the other. So I've gone and used
that for M (left) - which conforms to my maritime approach.
Fortunately with all of my cables, the red remains consistent, so if
ever there's any confusion I simply have to open the Rycote and see
which mic has the red lead on it. If it is the M capsule, all red
dots are left channel. If it is the S capsule, all red dots are the
right channel.
A fellow sound engineer in Sydney and I often pool resources for
larger jobs. I made him a similar set of two-channel cables some time
ago, but he likes to use red for the right channel. We've done enough
work together now to realise that we have to choose a standard at the
start of the day or there'll be trouble. Whoever got the job chooses
the colour...