Ok.I have a lot of questions regarding a suitable MS setup.
Something I have been considering for sometime. I see most(A lot?) MS
users are using a sennhieser MKH30 as the popular figure of 8 mic. Are
there any cheaper alternatives to this mic.I have wondered how
feasible it is to use two opposing mounted sideways mics to achieve
fig of 8 together with a forward mic,realizing this would require a
3rd mic input but as I have been considering a 302 thats no problem
except i wonder about decoding. Further down the track I am interested
in double MS so I do not want to make any wrong purchases and would
rather start off with a suitable MS combination that can be adapted
later for DMS should I require. I realize the justified expense of a
good fig of 8 so I guess it's just a case of grin and bear it cost
wise that is. I would like to hear more from others regards there MS
setup and from any schoeps users. I had considered a stereo mic
...mkh418 but I did not find much info regarding this mic or approach
which by the sound of it was not as flexible a setup as two mics.
regards all clint