Dawn Chorus 4 May 2008 Compilation
I thought I would share my very first recording of a dawn chorus, it just h=
appened that I
planned to do this on the very same day as International Dawn Chorus Day, y=
es it really
was a coincidence. I was using it as a practice run for next weekend when I=
am going on a
trip to the Northumberland National Park for wildlife recording.
This is recorded just outside of a village called Walshaw in Lancashire UK.=
The file below
is a compilation of approx 5 x 2 min clips from a single 44 min recording s=
tarted at
4:54am I was planning an earlier start, but when I got to the location I wa=
s going to
record from, I got stuck, literally. Note to self: "do not walk through fie=
lds that you
have not walked through in daylight first" I ended up almost knee deep in a=
bog, took all
my effort to keep the gear out of the mud, sacrificing my foot to the wet m=
ud when my
Wellington boot came off !.
Once I got out I was all set to go home wet and frustrated, but I found ano=
ther spot on a
public footpath not too far away and decided to stay and record. I am glad =
I did, as these
are the best bird recordings I have done yet. Some of the time there was so=
me light rain
but it was light enough not to record, later on it got quite heavy as you w=
ill be able to
I won't try and say which birds are on the recording, because I am very new=
to this and I
am learning to identify them, for me it's a long slow process.
Recorded using a modified Jecklin Disk array with two Sennheiser MKH20 mics=
to a Fostex
FR-2LE via a Sound Devices 302 mixer. The whole array was protected from th=
e wind rain
with faux fur over a frame. I had the 160Hz high pass filter on the 302 and=
used a very
gentle base EQ cut in Audition to remove some distant traffic rumble.
The file is 10m54s long and is a 14.9MB mp3 encoded at 192kbps