Dear All
I am joining the group and I'd like to introuce myself. I have been=A0recor=
ding birds mostly in the Atlantic forest of eastern Brazil, since 1991, liv=
ing in Vi=E7osa county, southeastern Minas Gerais state. I begun using the =
most simple Sony TCM=A0recorders and, years latter, changed to TCM 5000EV a=
nd Sennheiser ME66 shot-shotgun microphones, without parabolic reflector. I=
have recorded birds also in some parts of eastern Brazilian Amazon, Cerrad=
o, Caatinga and Pantanal. Most of my recrodings are still in k7 tapes but a=
re going to be moved to DVDs. Many of them are also housed in Arquivo Sonor=
o Elias Coelho at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Trying to move to solid state recorders I'm having three serious difficulti=
1) The battery consuption by Marantz PMD670, wich consumed 2 x8 AA battery =
sets in a single day (the Sony TCM5000 consumed a single 4x medium size alc=
aline batteries during 15-20 days of intensive work). Is there realy a prob=
lem with PMD670?
2) Another problem is the terrible quality of the PMD670 speaker. The only =
option to have the stuff working=A0was to adapt a Radio Shack in it as to p=
erform good play backs in the field.
3) It doesn't play any file that I copy from my PC (even in mp3 or wave for=
mat). It only plays its "own" mp3 or wave recordings.
I tried to find out solution for these problems in the PMD670 users' manual=
, but I did not find any help.
Does anybody can help me? Any suggestion?
Regards. R=F4mulo
Prof. R=F4mulo Ribon
Ornitologia / Ecologia, Conserva=E7=E3o e Manejo de Vida Silvestre
Laborat=F3rio de Ornitologia
Departamento de Ci=EAncias Biol=F3gicas/ ICEB
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Ouro Preto - MG - CEP 35.400-000
Tel: +55 (031) 3559-1749 / 1672 / 1660
Endere=E7o atual:
Museu de Zoologia Jo=E3o Moojen
Departamento de Biologia Animal
Vila Gianeti, 36
Universidade Federal de Vi=E7osa
Vi=E7osa - MG - CEP 36570-000
TEl: +55 (031) 3899-2586 / 2585 / 2530 (fax 2527)
Curr=EDculo Lattes:
Problemas com a origem da vida? =A0
Sem leitura, n=E3o se consegue uma boa discuss=E3o nem na monografia, nem n=
a tese..nem num buteco.
----- Mensagem original ----
De: Klas Strandberg <>
Enviadas: Domingo, 27 de Abril de 2008 14:31:43
Assunto: Re: [Nature Recordists] Telinga Small Capsule Mic's
Dan, like I said, having removed the internal mics of the H4, those
inputs worked great with EM23 (EM21
At 19:03 2008-04-24, you wrote:
>umashankar, you wrote:
> > i am modifying the zoom h2, removing the internal microphone and
> > providing a five pin tuchel connector with all the four inputs. i
> > tested it with tsb 120 capsules, which have built in fets, and it
> > sounds good. (my mod is part of building a simple one piece sound
> > field recorder.)
> >
> > i can post some pictures, if the group is interested.
>Or go into the mod business, like the Oade bros.! How does it sound
>with Telinga EM-23s? I'd love to have one solid-state 4-channel
>recorder for my lightweight rig, rather than two MD recorders.
>-Dan Dugan
>----------- --------- --------- -------
>"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
>sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Telinga Microphones, Botarbo,
S-748 96 Tobo, Sweden.
Phone & fax int + 295 310 01
email: se
website: www.telinga. com
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