The coincidence of animal events clear of man-made and natural
interruptions is another key reason I bother with unattended, long
takes. A wind sensor/over-ride would also be useful. Much less
chance of getting primo stuff when the wind is up.
If you develop a timer, do let us know. How about 500GB external
FireWire drive and a solar panel? I've used the power-up feature. I
need to test the power-down option. That one scares me. Rob D.
= = =
At 10:22 PM +0000 4/7/08, ozrall wrote:
>Thanks for that tip.
>That would certainly do the trick for me.
>I'll try it tonight.
>My aim is to have some recorders situated in semiremote areas in the
>field automatically start and stop at the same times starting before
>dawn and periodically thereafter for shorter sampling periods and
>again prior to dusk.
>The critters I want to record are mobile and may not necessarily fly
>in to the area that I setup at, by recording at some selected key
>sites I am virtually guaranteed of recording something.
>At another site my subject circles the little lake/pond first - if
>there is anything it doesn't like, it continues on its way.
>My presence disturbs the normal bird/wildlife activity when I tramp
>in, so I would like to try it without my disturbances and see if it
>works any better.
>Plus the advantage of not having to get up at 4.30am to get setup on a
>working day is a more attractive option !
>With 16gb CF cards I can obtain many hours of unattended recording at
>prime times. By systematically recording at times known to be good for
>recording and then sampling at intervals for shorter periods of time,
>I can identify what else is going on there and thereby optimise my
>recording times.
>That is theory (yet to be proved) anyway !
>Your solution is possibly much better because of the battery life
>issues (although I already bought some big batteries to handle 24-48hr
>periods - its also easier to construct and code a micro that does this.
>PS - If anyone has the PDF file I would like a copy if possible.
>I sent a message to Sound Devices so hopefully they can accommodate my
>> I'm not clear what folks' goals are, but for starting/stopping the
>> recorder at programmed times, there's a setting in the 722/744T menu
>> that will instruct the recorder to start recording every time you
>> supply power at the external power jack and to stop recording every
>> time you cease power at the external power jack. Seems like it might
>> only take something like a Programmable Thermostat Timer and a relay
>> rated at 2 amps or so. I've not tested it thoroughly, but the power
>> on/off approach could save on battery requirements too. Rob D.
> > --
> >