Thank you for your detailed reply, I will certainly not rule out using the =
NT2000 outside
in the future, although their large size and weight are not ideal for takin=
g out on a
walk, they really need to be used where they don't need to be carried far, =
or as you seem
to use them on a permanent site. I do have two of them.
>At 8:50 AM +0000 2/23/08, Michael Oates wrote:
>>That's great to hear that these mics do not seem to suffer, I have a
>>couple of NT2000's
>>and I would never have thought of using them outside for wildlife
>>recording. I am curious,
>>do you record with those shopping bags over the windshields, if so,
>>how is the sound
>Hi Michael-- You should definitely take your NT2000's out. Here's a
>picture of the rig I'm using now:
>This rig seems to take advantage of the NT2000's unique omni polar
>pattern quite well. I interpret their low-midrange response
>(125-700Hz) as "very even" and capable of producing less of that
>"roar" impression from the background "air" or "presennce."
>Excellent transient response. I believe Walt is also experimenting
>with rigs for these mics. We haven't heard about Bruce Wilson's
>practices in a while.
>The .5 mil bags are just my quick way of shielding the mics from
>side-ways driving rain. I monitor the mics much of the time and I
>have let the recorder roll with the plastic bag on. The rhythm and
>spatiality of tiny ice pellets on the bag was fun to listen to. The
>bag attenuates the high-end noticeably and, of course, makes obvious
>noises with the slightest breeze.
>I've used umbrellas for rain but they can easily collapse or blow
>away in a gust. With these Rode's, I can get away using a 24" X 24"
>plywood roof that is 18" above the rig. The platform does obstruct
>part of the sky and it reflects a tiny amount of ground-level sound
>from a narrow ring around the rig, but seems to provide 90% of the
>rain/snow/ice shielding required. When there's rain and breeze up to
>12-15 mph, or when the temp is below freezing and the wind is strong,
>I just let the mics sit in the open with just their faux fur covers.
>The snow and rain that does get in hasn't been enough to saturate the
>capsules and harm the mics, so far.
>I'm preparing a diffuse field, low ambient noise background
>localization test between an MS rig comprised of a mkh40/80 pair, a
>90 degree wedge with a pair of AT-3202's and an head-spaced Parallel
>Boundary Rig with NT2000's which might be able to portray some of the
>sound performance qualities of these rigs and mics. Rob D.
>>>If so, I cover the
>>>windscreens with with a .5 mil plastic shopping bag and twist tie and
>>>leave them out. The NT2000's are the least affected by wind of _any_
>>>mic I've ever used. Rob D.