I don't see any responses to this! General advice: use the line out
unless it doesn't have enough volume, then try the headphone. It will
not hurt anything either way.
That speaker looks like the old Pignose portable guitar amplifier, so
it probably has a high inpedance and high gain input. Line out might
be too much input for it, so if it distorts with line, use the
heaphone and turn down the headphone volume on the player. If you
have to have the control very high or very low, try the other way and
see what sound best!
You sears will be the best way to tell what is best for you use.
Hope this helps!
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:34 PM, Pratap Singh wrote:
Dear Naturerecordists,
I want to do birdsong playbacks for my study. I will be using Marantz
PMD 671 for the purpose and Saul Mineroff speaker. There are two ways
of connecting the speaker to the recorder/player ' via line out and
headphone socket. I will like to know the merits and demerits of
each way of connecting the speaker? I will be thankful for any
information on this.
Pratap Singh