Just a thought.
There are digital video cameras that record direct to DVD now, although they
might actually be / use DVDRW, you could record directly with one of those - if
of course you have / can get hold of one.
----- Original Message ----
From: Danny Meltzer <>
Sent: Friday, 11 January, 2008 4:20:49 PM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Recording Software Question
I'm sure you can find an old standalone CD burner for cheap as most
people have moved on from these. How well a 5-10 year old unit will
work is debatable, but it might be worth a shot. I know HHB made
some, that's what was most common in my experience.
Here's one, a common type in years past:
http://cgi.ebay. com/HHB-CDR- 850-Professional -CD-burner_ W0QQitemZ1202072
77773QQihZ002QQc ategoryZ14976QQs sPageNameZWDVWQQ rdZ1QQcmdZViewIt em
DVD-wise, I am unaware of a standalone DVD burner that will allow the
creation of an audio-only program on a DVD without the aid of a computer.
--- In naturerecordists@ yahoogroups. com, "Suzanne Williams"
< > wrote:
> Rob,
> I stopped trying to figure out what my Dad is thinking a lot time
> ago. Therefore, why he wants to do it that way is beyond me. In any
> case, I will send him your note. I do know he mentioned recording
> equipment as an option and "the simpler the better" is the best idea
> for him!
> ------------ --------- -
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Williams Photography
> http://web.tampabay .rr.com/swilli41 /www
> Florida, USA
> --- In naturerecordists@ yahoogroups. com, Rob Danielson <type@>
> wrote:
> >
> > At 3:39 PM +0000 1/10/08, Suzanne Williams wrote:
> > >My father wants to know if there is a way to record from a mic
> > >(probably small wireless mic) straight onto a DVD. In other words,
> he
> > >wants to bypass putting it onto his computer as a digital file. He
> > >would like to use his laptop (Windows XP). We do have Sound Forge
> 9,
> > >but I don't think you can do that with it.
> > >
> > >Any advice I can pass along to him would be great.
> > >
> > >----------- --------- --
> > >Suzanne
> > >Suzanne Williams Photography
> > ><http://web.tampabay .rr.com/swilli41 /www>
> >
> > Hi Suzanne--
> > My Dad wanted to do the same thing and, importantly, to "Make it
> > simple, Son!" I found a few Audio CD recording decks in the $200-
> 300
> > price range with a mic input. Simple plug in mic and inrert disc
> and
> > press the red "rec" button. Sony and JVC both made units if I
> recall
> > correctly. When you think about it, if your Dad doesn't want to
> mess
> > with managing a sound file, do you think he should be involving a
> > laptop? Of course, he can record a sound file on his laptop with
> > Audacity (freeware). It has a pretty simple recording interface.
> Rob
> > D.
> > --
> >
> >
> >
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