Hi folks,
Does anyone on this group have any experience with this stereo mic.
I read some where that the side capsule was a bit noisy. I would prefer
to use two mono mics in a stereo arrangement however this would then
require a larger suspension and as I already have a single suspension
I would prefer to avoid this extra expense of aquirring another. I can
appreciate the flexibility 2 mono mics would provide but the costs are
too prohibitive at this time. Maybe someone could recommend a good
stereo mic. I would like to hear from members of there stereo setup
preferences. I was going to use two ME66 (I have one at the moment)but
how do you ensure electrically similar spec pairs when purchasing even
if buying two mics of the same model and brand. I have not seen a
serial number on my current k6/62/66. Is it the k6 or the mic capules
that should be close. I have condidered this option also. I would
have thought Sennheiser and other top end mic manufacturers would be
much closer spec'd than be significantly different. How does one
guarantee this close tolerance. Is it not possible to adjust for some
allowances on preamp in this case 302. If I decide to go the two mono
mic in an M/S setup what is a suitable mic to use as a side mic that
is reasonable price. The Sennheiser MKH30 is too expensive so maybe
someone could recommend a cheaper alternative figure of 8 for the job.
I have considered one or two 62's but unsure of an omni for this.