In 1991, I did a Christmas album w/ Phil Aaberg (a terrific Wyndham
Hill artist) utilising individual critter sounds from our archive as
instrumental voices for the carols. All the musical sounds are kidding. The percussion are fish. Lead vocals are
mountain gorillas, whales, birds, elephants. Instrumental pads are
chimps. Bass is a walrus. Done way before a Meowy Christmas and other
knock-offs like it, this is the real stuff, based on my previous
album, Gorillas in the Mix, which we hope to get back from Rykodisk
within the next few weeks and have up and running, also.
We finally got the rights back this year and have it up on our web
Anyway, with that oeuvre, you can clearly see how nuts this kind of
work drives some of us...particularly in off-season when it's cold
outside and there's otherwise nothing to be done.
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
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