Hi folks,
As most of you know I occasionally solicit contributions of short
unedited field recordings for my 'one-minute vacation' project...
Well, as the, er, well is looking pretty low at the moment, now is one
of those times.
(Btw if you've recently contributed, I'm always keen to hear more of
your work, but I do try to limit myself to using only one recording
per contributor per year... that said, I do keep all submissions and
regularly dip into my stock when the timing is right!)
The project is now nearing the magic number of 300 vacations (whew!),
and say, wouldn't you be honored to have one of your own favorite
minutes featured as vacation number 300? :D
Current vacations, with examples of the kind of text that helps
contextualize the recordings, as well as the (simple) instructions for
submission, can be found at:
T h a n k s !
PS Btw you retain all rights to your minute, except that I am allowed
to post it and podcast it through this project... and to sell the odd
project CD compilation, all proceeds of which go to recognized
international charity/aid organizations!
83% happy
9% disgusted
6% fearful
2% angry