--- In "nwindigo" <> wrote:
> --- In "pueo9" <pueo9@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello All, I will be heading up the trail from the Hoh River
> Visitors
> > Center ( Forks , Wa. is the closest town ). If anyone has info to
> > share... It would be greatly appreciated. thanks,chris
> >
> Hi Chris,
> My partner Richard and I have spent quite a bit of time in/around
> Olympic National Park over the past few years, though we haven't
> recorded there (yet :o) ). From the most recent camping at the Hoh
> and a few short hikes (mostly photographing) we've enjoyed a good
> amount of wildlife.
> Here's a quick list:
> Hoh Campground (A-loop, sites by the river #16, 18) --
> Flycatchers (in evening, not sure of type -- one typically perched
> on the rootball of a large blown down tree), chestnut-backed
> chickadees and white-crowned sparrows (2-3 wks ago they were feeding
> young), brown creeper, yellow warblers, pileated woodpeckers,
> flickers (likely red-shafted), barred owl (2am calls from across the
> river), nuthatches, crows (of course!). There was a doe with twin
> fawns (still spotted and nursing) that was bedding down in an open
> area between A-loop and the entry road just off an abandoned paved
> trail near A-loop (off the long term overnight parking). From the
> droppings and grass in the area it appeared elk also were bedding
> down at night in that area. There was also a 9-point bull elk that
> grazed through A-loop, he was on a sand bar on the river off Spruce
> trail about 2-3 weeks before that (4-6wks ago). Also a young buck
> was hanging around the bed-down area, he spent at least part of the
> night in the bushes between site 16 and the river.
> Spruce Trail (evening, end closer to the visitor center) --
> Lots of woodpeckers (downy, hairy) near the trail in the late
> afternoon, early evening.
> Hoh Trail --
> Woodpeckers and lots of smaller birds at the treetop level
> (bushtits?, chestnut-backed chickadees). 4-6 wks ago we thought we
> may have heard spruce grouse (drumming type sound), but that isn't
> certain. 2-3 wks ago there was also a report of a black bear w/in
> 1/2 mile of the visitor center off the Hoh trail.
> Ponds off the entry road (opposite river & closer to the visitor
> center, but along entry road) --
> Look/listen for belted kingfishers that hang out (and scold) in the
> ponds. They often hang out on the far side of the ponds.
> Hoh River --
> Blue herons hang out along the gravel bars on the river, opposite
> the ponds. They are pretty skiddish though.
> Apparently there have even been several sightings of cougar as close
> as the entry shack. Nice to hear they're doing that well with
> habitat pressures from around the park. There also was a herd of
> about 15 elk hanging around near the entry shack 2-3 wks ago. They
> range pretty far though so hard to tell where they'd be.
> Kalalock Campground (south of Forks, along the coast) --
> Trail off the southern-most loop to the beach takes you in an area
> that usually has eagles (to the south toward the beach).
> Make sure you bring plenty of bug dope! Mosquitoes and flies were
> biting for anyone who stopped too long (or at least they were for
> me, Richard seems more immune... lucky guy!).
> How far are you going up the trail?
> Enjoy!
> Bonnie
>Bonnie, Thanks for the great information, I hope to go about 10 miles
up the Hoh River Trail, first night at Mt Tom Creek (which is near
the One Square Inch of Silence) then 5 Mile Island. I have had good
luck with the "Ultrathon" bug dope from 3M in the Sierra's.
Kalalock Campground seems to be on Hwy 101, does it get quiet at night
there? Thanks again for the details, Chris