Hi Mark, I really appreciate your response and will get back to it.
But before I think more about the callers, I have to throw one really
awful thought out there.
Perhaps not a coincidence coyotes were howling, as maybe the coyotes
were responding.
A while ago I was searching around for coyote recordings on the web,
and mostly what I found were psychopaths dealing recordings for use as
playback for calling in coyotes to kill them. What really disturbed
me was the use of terms of fun, humor, and joy to describe their sick
sport. If I ever pull my coyote recordings, it will be to keep it out
of hands of those losers.
John Hartog
Wow, I had no idea there were jerks out there that did stuff like that. Makes
you wonder if your stuff is being used for an unintended purpose.
Just for a moment, does that make you think along the lines of not posting
predatory animal recordings? I would have to think the majority of us on here
are birds of the same feather, and don't think like that.
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