Just a couple of thoughts. I believe I can detect about the right
amount of additional reverberation on the left from the distant
woodpecker call on the right. The drips in the center have more
bottom end and seem a tad louder than those from the sides. Perhaps
there's an object that is disproportionately closer in the front? If
not, this kind of symmetry has me guessing M-S. I believe its the
wind in the pines that masks a good part the lower mid-range, so its
a bit hard to for me to judge the mics-- but if I had to guess--
they sound more like smaller diaphragm mics to me, possibly 3032's or
possibly Schoeps if m-s. Rob D.
At 6:29 AM +0000 6/17/07, John Hartog wrote:
>Here is a one minute recording.
>Before I reveal the mics and array (feel free to guess), can anyone
>give their thoughts on the stereo image or other qualities.
>John Hartog