Enjoyed it!
Florida, USA
--- In P. Schr=F6ter
<> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Just returned from a quite frustrating recording trip.
> the birds and especially the frogs did their very best but
unfortunally the wind did as well.
> I have to search for windprotecting solutions for my rode nt4 as
soon as possible!
> So, a very unclean, but, I think, nevertheless very nice excerpt.
> There are a lot of birds singing, impossible to list them all here,
blackbirds, warblers, two sorts of finches, and, very important and
impressive, four or five wood pigeons(columbas palumbus).
> And a group of still a little sleepy-sounding
> pool frogs(rana esculenta).
> All recorded here in northeastern Germany.
> Setup: Rode nt4 stereo microphone, sony mzr70 minidisc recorder.
> Please click the download-button to get this file.
> Link:
> http://www.file-upload.net/download-286156/Frogpond.mp3.html
> Have fun!
> and i am searching for a windshield now...
> Philipp