Hello Kim
Thanks for the advice !
But in fact I played a lot with piezoceramic transducers, but using them
as hydrophone, I never got enough gain to records other things that
strong waterstreams.
As Derek told us several times, the keypoint with piezo is impedance
matching, but I am still wondering about how to make it...
The LAB40 is said to have it.
(I forgot to give antoher url :
http://www.whaleresearch.com/thecenter/OrcaSound01.html )
By the way I use since a few years a very simple hydrophone made with an
electronic component that I can't identify. I found it in a throat
microphone, and just covered it with glue.
Here is a small page about it : http://www.kalerne.net/waterbugs/index.html
There are my experiments using this component and a stethoscope in order
to record Sigara dorsalis (sorry, I don't know the english name of this
aquatic beetle).
Friendly yours,
ps : Oops, sorry the webpage is in French, but the I wrote nothing more
that what explained above...