I have an R-09 too and use better gear as well, but it's nice to have a dec=
ent pocket
recorder. Why not try this as a cheap windshield for the R-09: Use a rubber=
band to hold
in place... and cut some panty hose. Stretch the hose over the top of the u=
nit covering the
mic elements and put the rubber band over it. The elements are actually und=
er those
silver/black covers so the panty hose would act kind of like a pop filter. =
Double them for
stronger winds. I haven't tried this yet, but it seems like it might work s=
ince the mic
elements are underneath the outer covers. The hose over those covers would =
create a kind
of "dead space" and cut down on the wind hitting the elements.
If it doesn't work, you can always stretch the cut hose over the lens of yo=
ur digital
camcorder. When zoomed in, the hose act like a lens filter making for a nic=
e soft image.
Michael Oster
F7 Sound and Vision
--- In "Fernando de Izuzquiza" <> =
> Hi all,
> Anyone found any solution windshield-wise for the R-09's internal mics?
> Can't find a good way. Not easy because of it's shape at the top (square+=
round corners)
> because you end up covering the display.
> But if someone found a solution even covering the display I would be happ=
> It is great to have in the pocket and just grab it and record a strange b=
eautiful sound, at
> for reference, but in most ocasions a windshield is missed...
> Anyone?
> P.S. I own much better equipment (Deva, Schoeps, Rycote, etc) but the R-0=
9 on itself is
> light and small and has so good battery life that is the only equipment I=
carry in
> were I would not carry anything.<<snip>> But that's why I ask for a winds=
solution. I won't
> use the filter since it starts cutting too high... and it wont solve the =
wind issue anyway!