Welcome to the group. I would love to hear the frogs and toads you've recor=
ded on your safari's in Africa! Hope to see more of you. Good luck
Dave __o
(*)/ (*)
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] New member
A new member of Nature Recordists, I am a professional safari guide based i=
n Zambia's South Luangwa National Park where I run walking safaris, birding=
safaris and bush skills safaris. My main interest is animal communication =
and have been recording wildlife sounds for the past four years. Some of th=
e material has been used to produce home-made CD's of bird and amphibian ca=
lls for other guides in the Valley and the amphibian calls are used as part=
of a survey of the amphibians of the Park conducted on behalf of our Wildl=
ife Department. Another field of interest is underwater hippo communication=
using a hydrophone to record these vocalisations.
Derek Solomon.
Derek & Sarah Solomon
Mfuwe, Zambia
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