I personally really enjoy this kind of debate!
It might be slightly off topic, but still is related to what our common
passion is.
I especially appreciate Walter Knapp's contributions. This man really
has something to say and those who listen closely can only benefit from
his many commentaries on diverse topics.
Not that he is the only one in this group contributing vital information
, but he has a kind of farsightedness and vision that I would like to
find in this kind of group.
Of course, there are various opinions on certain topics, but nobody
really has to subcribe to what other people say. As long as the
discussion sticks to facts and nobody offends anybody else and of
course the topic is somehow related to nature (recording) then I do not
see a reason why this kind of discusion should not go on in here.
Those who are rightly not interested in a certain kind of topic can, as
has been mentioned before, simply make use of their delete key. This
action certainly takes no more time than bothering poor Martyn with
protest emails.
So I, on my part, would like to thank everybody in this group for making
it what is is and I'm looking forward to further fruitful discussions.
*** <http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=/gQPU.&search=farsightedness>*