--- In "John Hartog"
<> wrote:
> Congratulations Bernie! - For the well deserved exposure of your
> I notice the article now requires a log-in or a promotional
> subscription to read it - maybe it will become available once the
> publishing date 2/18 has passed.
Indeed, it can now be found at:
no log in or credit card required
> The author Jeff Hull gives literary strength to Bernie's important
> hypothesis by contrasting it with Greenfield's rash dismissal --
> however, clearly this is a non-scientific and knee-jerk dismissal.
> What does "just getting along" even mean in evolutionary terms of
> complex responses and feedback systems? One thing for sure is
> competition does not always come down to violent clashes, and
> often requires a lot of giving =96 not only taking.
This may have been a mis-quote by the writer as no respectable
evolutionary biologist would use a Lamarkian-type phrase like
species "getting along". All wildlife sounds have evolved through
competition for reproductive fitness (maximising your output) which
occurs both within and between species. I see no disharmony between
evolutionary theory and Bernie's ideas on soundscapes.