hio marc,
how do u toasted it over a fire with the silica gel ?
my gel changes its colour very fast here and i wrapped
it with my brother's little sock and keep it inside my
beg that contains bino, bird book, recorder and scope.
means i can save my money from buying another pack of
silica gel if i toast it with fire ?
can u help me ?
thanks =3Do
--- Marc Myers <> wrote:
> Holly
> Love to hear your recordings when you get them. I'm
> presently working on a project that involves
> collecting primate information, video and audio. Yes
> silica gel. It can be purchased in thin flat
> aluminum boxes with a color sensor that changes
> color as it picks up humidity. They're more
> expensive than bulk but you can tell how far gone
> they are and the aluminum shell allow them to be
> toasted over a fire in a frying pan to restore them.
> I purchase them from the local hardware store which
> is also a locksmith. I think they're sold to be put
> in safes to keep the contents dry. I use a Pelican
> case for my laptop but they're pricey.
> Are the speakers so that you can hear the recordings
> or so that you can play them back to the howlers? If
> it's to listen, then headphones are the best field
> solution. You should really be using headphones (the
> in-ear kind are less annoying in the field) for your
> recording anyway. If it's for playback, the main
> problem is the amplification. Will you have a source
> of power? Decent powerful amplified speakers that
> are battery operated are available but they're not
> great to hump into the field.
> Marc
> Primate Conservation, Inc.
> www.primate.org