Thanks, with these names confirming our thoughts we can be proud.
The sound is going to a .gov site and such we do not expect to keep
copyright. I do not disagree that anything that is .gov can be
protected from use by others so all we can ask is that credit be given
if the recordings are used to Rich Peet and Mark Alt.
hear is: our other rare recording of a Short-Eared Owl. I used the
Guilles Suit to get this bird at range. The suit was invisable to 30
ft to the owl at which time he put on full brakes and a hover to
figure it all out. The camo on the 32" parabolic gave me away but the
parabolic was not really on target at this range or in my situation.
This was a day I really wish I had a mkh shotgun. I am looking
forward to Santa this year.
--- In Neville Recording
<> wrote:
> Yes that was a rare recording of the Rough-legged Hawk.
> I have only heard and recorded it once on Eagle Plains in the Yukon
Territory. It was a thrill and a great memory and I suspect you have
the same feelings for your experience.
> John Neville