Tom ---
Sounds like a fun thing to try. My approach would be to use binaural
mics with heavy-duty foam screens
(or perhaps attached behind the ears somehow?) My understanding is that
cardioids are more sensitive to
wind than omnis, so if I had a choice (I don't) I'd start with omnis
You might get an interesting mixture of road sounds, gear sounds, other
riders talking, and you breathing. Plus passing birds, cars...
You should definitely try it!
tk7859 wrote:
> --- In
> <>, "Richard Lyttle"
> <> wrote:
> >
> > could have sworn i saw something resembling that riding my bicycle
> up a field road huffin and puffin last saturday afternoon in
> Beltsville Agricultural Research Center ( BARC ) near Greenbelt, MD.
> Hi Richard and the Group
> Your interesting post has prompted me air something that's been on my
> mind.
> Last Sunday I took part in a 60 mile sponsored charity bicycle ride.
> My huffin and puffin and other expletives (along with those of some
> 4000 other participants) precluded enjoying the sound and sights of
> nature. However, my solitary training rides along quiet country roads
> have been a delight. In particular I have been surprised by the
> amount and variaty of birdsong - probably mostly alarm calls?
> I wonder if any member of this group has tried recording whilst bicycling=
> I assume some form of cardioid mic is needed to suppress the noises of
> the bicycle and the rider.
> I am tempted to set up a Rode NT4 (with appropriate wind shield) and
> use my minidisc and see just what I can catch.
> The result could be interesting. Maybe something more for the members
> of the Phonography Group.
> Cheers
> Tom