Thanks, both, for the replies. I'm using a standard 80min MD, not the Hi-M=
D. The MD was recorded in standard mode on an older MD recorder. AND I LE=
FT THE MD IN WRITE-PROTECTED MODE using the small slide switch. Is that th=
e problem? It seems the SonicStage
help file says you MUST leave the MD write-enabled. I was hoping this may=
have been a typo. What will the transferring process WRITE to my MD? -ch=
--- In ". g . n . w ." <> wrote=
> On 10 Jul 2006 at 7:39, ccavigioli wrote:
> > I just purchased the MZ-RH1 because I would like to transfer older MD t=
racks, recorded as live
> > nature sounds on an older Sony MD recorder, to my PC for further editin=
g there. This was
> > advertized as being possible, yet now, upon trying this out, it appears=
to not be possible after all
> > with SonicStage Ver.3.4. The help file says this operation "may not be =
able to be transferred back
> > to My Library on your computer: (1) tracks transferred from another com=
puter -or- (2) tracks
> > recorded using a device other than a computer (for example, an MD deck)=
> >
> > Has anyone been successful with what I am trying to do?
> I've had my MZ-RH1 for a few weeks, and while I haven't yet had the oppor=
tunity to do much
> with it, I have tested the transfer of some recordings done on my old MZ-=
R37. Using
> SonicStage v 3.4, I didn't encounter any problems. In fact, I was pleasa=
ntly surprised at how
> smooth the process went. If you would like to post some specifics about =
how you are
> attempting to perform the transfer, along with any error messages you are=
seeing, I'd be
> happy to step through the process this evening and see if I can re-create=
> george