Thanks Oryoki:
That is not good news but valuable nonetheless. Even if the chance of
corruption is small, for important recordings it might be wise to
first record a copy via the headphone jack or line-out before
attempting a usb transfer.
-John Hartog
--- In "oryoki2000" <> wrote:
> "Nick Roast" wrote:
> > ...EDL in the UK offer a MD recovery
> > service aimed at broadcasters... I am
> > not sure if they can deal with HiMD or not.
> I wrote to EDL for clarification, and received
> this response:
> ---------
> "At the present time there is no known method
> of recovering data created by a HiMD recorder.
> We operate the most extensive MD recovery business
> available but are nevertheless limited by the encrypted
> formats used on HiMD. These are risky machines to use
> because of the lack of any remedy in the event of failure."
> ---------
> I'm sure that Sony knows how to deal with their encrypted
> file format, but they apparently are not interested in
> providing a recovery service to the rest of us. So Hi-MD
> users are in deep trouble if they experience any sort of
> Hi-MD disc error or SonicStage software issue.
> --oryoki