Hi All,
After reading the following *Major New Features and Improvements*, I found
myself scratching my head. I would be interested if after after applying th=
upgrade, someone could report whether this auto split feature can be turned
on or off. Not sure I would like a recording interupted, but then again I a=
not someone who usually leaves the recording unattended. My guess that this
may be an attempt to satisfy some complaining...but not sure why this is
that much of a problem.
Major new Features and Improvements
-Auto split added. If the 2GB file size limit is
reached during a recording, the MicroTrack will
automatically start a new file for recording.
This will continue until either the MicroTrack
battery runs out of sufficient charge or the
media runs out of space (at which time the
currently recording file will be saved and
recording will stop). NOTE: There will be a gap
between files ranging from 5-9 seconds, depending
on the recording resolution and size/speed of the
media being used.
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