Julius Thyssen schrieb:
>Hmm.. Germany must be better than the Netherlands in that regard,
>and even here there are still some areas where the government
>deliberately stays out of nature's way.
Sure, there are National Parks and such, but they are nothing compared
even to minor US National or State Parks.
For Central Europeans it simply hard to imagine that you can drive along
a highway for 40km without any trace of human inhabitation (except for
the highway).
> Of course, then you'll
>often have planes to bother you with their sound, but
>not always and not everywhere.
>Also, in the heart of France it's already starting to get
>pretty easy to escape man made noise. My mother moved there,
>and it can be VERY quiet where she lives. Just move away
>from roads and you're in peaceful nature, sometimes wilderness.
>When we go further South, to the area where my father lives
>( http://foto.jult.nl/LotStLaurent.jpg )
Interesting landscape! Where exactly is it? Is there any interesting
wildlife (apart from the lady :-)?
>it's easy to step on grounds that have never been touched by humans
>and you're not bothered by planes or cars if you're lucky.
>Of course population is at fault, I mean, the NL has 470
>people per square km, France 108, Denmark 123, Canada has 3,
>and the USA only 28 per sq.km. Roughly calculated from:
>So: Duh!
Of course I have a Southern German (partly Swiss) perspective. I know in
the North and especially the East of Germany the sitution is much
better. But this means driving for half a day to get there. And yes, you
might find certain areas and times of the day where you might find no
interfering noise. It is just not as easy as in the US. There, as soon
as you leave an agglomeration behind you, you find those wide open
spaces and not the next agglomeration as in Germany.
Yes, France is much better. Much less people on more land with many of
them concentrated in two big urban areas: Paris and Lyon. es, I should
consider France (it's worthwhile for the food alone).
For my next recording trip I chose Ireland which has a lot to offer.
Especially seabirds. I'll go there in May/June
>>If so we might some time organize THE EUROPEAN
>Yes, count me as interested. ;-)
My idea would just be that actually meeting likeminded people would be
very inspiring. And it can't be that there are not people interested in
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