My recent experiences in other than audio are done.
Now back to life and I am looking how to best experience this spring.
My contributions on new products.
Office Depot has a folding plastic box with pull out handle and wheels
for just under $20. Good for the field but shatters in low temps.
We need to press the US gov for availability of MRE's. There is only
one equivelent and it is not as good or complete. These have been
kept under wraps for a good time for obscure reasons. MRE =3D Meals
Ready to Eat. There has never been anything like these for
backpacking and field work. Gov pays $7.00 each and it is a full days
food with a hot meal by a chemical heater that you just add water to
activate (dont heat near a smoke detector). One package is good for
one day under all day hard exercise. I lived on these for a good time
after hurricane Katrina and had a supply to donate to others in need
as well. I could not get mine from the Red Cross even though I was in
need. I won't go into that ugly story. I can see limits on quantity
sold so as to not supply other army's in other parts of the world, but
there is no better ration for field or emergency prep than these
packets available in over 30 different menues. Only buy or look for
manufacture dates after 9/05 when looking at black market products and
I will leave that discussion at that.