>Microphones, High Wind, and Rain
>=97Eddy B. Brixen, DPA Microphones A/S, Aller=F8d,
>Denmark and EBB-consult, Sm=F8rum, Denmark
>In outdoor recording, high wind and rain are generally
>a problem as this causes unwanted noise
>in the microphone signal. In order to prevent noise,
>the microphones can be protected from the weather by
>using windjammers, windscreens, etc. However, the
>effectiveness of these products varies significantly
>and full specifications characterizing maximum wind
>speed permitted, wind attenuation, spectral damping,
>influence by rain, etc., are seldom given. In this
>paper an overview of the problems involved in the
>specification of microphone systems for outdoor
>recording is given. It proposes measurements and a
>form of presentation that might provide more
>informative specifications.
>Convention Paper 6624
The AES Store on line can't find it by that
number, nor is it among other papers by Brixen.
Too recent?
-Dan Dugan