Hi all,
I'm completely new to field recording. I'm a birder who comes from
professional film editing background. I've done a bit of sound effects and=
music editing in the good old days when film was film and computers were in=
sci-fi books. My initial interest lies in getting started using sound in th=
e field:
IDing vocalizations and calling in birds. I need to assemble complete playl=
of an area's birds, and have them readily available for field comparison a=
playback. Then I need an introductory recording set-up that allows no-wait=
record and quick playback. So I have all the usual Q's: which format?, ar=
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machines necessary? (one for PB, one for recording?)
Any thoughts about using iPod for portable archived playlists in the field?
BTW, there seems to be a dearth of practical information where experienced=
birders describe their actual sound equipment and set-up and their field
procedures, especially when travelling abroad.
I expect my interests now are a bit off point for the group but I hope as I=
proceed I'll become enamored of the medium and become a recording
Laurence Goldman