Dear Robin
The Sony 957 Mic has a five pin XLR plug.
Looking into the base of the mic at the pins, they are numbered:
1 5
2 4
Have an electronics technician wire a 5 pin XLR socket to a 3.5mm
stereo jack as follows:
% Pin XLR Socket Cable 3.5 mm Stereo Jack
1 External shield shield sleeve
2 Left channel live conductor a ring
3 Left channel return shield sleeve
4 Right channel live conductor b tip
5 Right channel return shield sleeve
Use a monospaced font for best display.
The Audio Engineering Society Standard: AES14-1992 (r2004)
gives standard wirings for 3 pin and 5 pin XLR connectors.
The Sony 957 mic cable is wired according to the two channel
unbalanced scheme presented in that document.
Complimentary copies of the document can be downloaded from:
Michael Gallagher
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