Hi all. This weekend I have visited a friend of mine, who has been working
with phantom power devices half off his life. 100% expert on the topic.
We made all kinds of tests of the MT.
I will make a very brief summary.
There is "nothing" seriously wrong with the 24/96 microphone preamps,
except that the 3,5 mm input is insensitive.
But the phantom power is a really bad. The chopper adds lots of noise and
is very unstable. If it happens to works fine with your mic when you test
it, it doesn't mean it will work fine when the temperature changes or when
battery voltage goes down a bit.
This is only one example of the tests we did: The cold pin was connected
via 22mfd and 100 ohms to ground. 10kOhms to the phantom power rail. Just
as usual, standard design. Then we put a 220n condensor over the 100 ohms
resistor and found that the noise increased by several db.
Such a device cannot be used. A change of only 100 Ohms source impedance
shouldn't have any impact at all on recorder noise. (the expected is rather
the opposite, lower noise)
So if you happen to like the use of a 24/96 - get a low noise self powered
microphone or a phantom power design that works.
The Telinga PRO6, for example, can be used with the 9v power box.