This was forwarded to me and you may find some interest.
In addition to the loss of life and property, Katrina, along with several
other hurricanes in recent years, has exacted a huge toll on the barrier
islands that protect the Louisiana coast. These islands are home to more
nesting birds than Florida and it's unclear what the impact on them will be=
Unfunded programs to mitigate for the effects of levees on the Mississippi
river have led to much of the loss of sand and sediment along the coast.
Click on the link below to see before and after pics of the barrier islands=
Be sure you get all characters in the address.
Martyn Stewart
Bird and Animal Sounds Digitally Recorded at:
Redmond. Washington. USA
N47.65543=A0=A0 W121.98428
Tel: 425-898-0462
Make every Garden a wildlife Habitat!