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Recording exploding seeds?

Subject: Recording exploding seeds?
From: Marty Michener <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 17:24:14 -0400
Hello friends:

I am amazed at all the talk on this group! I went away for six days and
came back to over 160 messages!  I did read some of all of them.

Since, as you all may know, I am working on a photographic e-book of 800
plants, so sound recordings are the last thing on my mind these days. My
16,000 (and counting) digital photos are mostly what take up my 12 hour day=

Or are they?  In the spirit of trying to relate anything interesting about=

each of the plant species, I encountered the following information about my=

old friend Hamamelis virginiana, and you all know Which Hazel that is:

"The fruits explode when ripe and are capable of hurling the seeds up to
twenty (fifty) feet."

What I don't know (and cannot yet seem to google is: what are the
conditions (time, temp, weather, season) that make these explosions
happen?  I would love to include in my next e-book the recorded sound of a=

ripe fruit going off . . . the seed landing in the distance . .

Somebody out there might know . . .

--  best regards,  Marty Michener
MIST Software Assoc. Inc.,  P. O. Box 269, Hollis, NH 03049

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