Dear all
Sorry it has taken me till now to reply but the kids have kept me busy!
Thanks very much for your ideas and help! I took the kids on a soundwalk a=
nd not surprisingly most of the sounds heard were man made. Even magpies, b=
lackbirds and sparrows were listed as birds.
I played them a dawn chorus recorded here in Austria and found that many of=
them hadn't heard this before, most of the comments were aimed at me getti=
ng up so early!
I asked the older students whose English is stronger to list five sounds th=
ey heard this morning (not music) Most of the kids did this pretty easily =
however apart from listing "birds" all were man made.
I was surprised how quickly they did this though, as when I have asked 18 y=
ear old students to do this they have found it extremely difficult.
I'll keep you posted on developments over the coming months if anyone is in=
All the best
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