In my copy of Audition I have a tool button that reads "Mix Paste",
that will open a window and it will let you insert, mix,replace and
modulate. You can then select the source for the file. You can
also select cross fade, which will find the nearest points where the
wave crosses and that will eliminate any induced clicks or pops.=20
You can also select the number of times that you may want to loop
the file.
I use it by selecting the point that I want the new file appended
and have the insert radio button selected.
Gerald White Muscatine, IA
--- In "Donald Weiser" <>
> I use Adobe Audition (thanks to the group's recommendations).=20
> say I have two sound files (mp3) that I would like to seamlessly
> to make one longer sound file and save it with a new name. I
> and looked in the manual how to do this but cannot find the
> command(s).
> Is it as easy as coping one file and pasting it at the beginning
> end of the other?
> Thanks in advance,
> Don