<wow, what nice sounds of nature mumbling, Martyn! I think you nailed it.
Thank you for sharing. The Limpkin is hot! and the frog riff is boffo too.
how utterly clear it sounded. my equipment don't sound like 'at.
Rip Lyttle>
Thank you Rip....
For all the microphone systems and combinations I have, I wouldn't be seen
dead without my MKH-20's and Telinga mics, simple as that. I think once you
spend the initial outlay you get it back 10 fold. You reap what you sow as
they say!
I love the modified crown sass that Walt did for me, it's a new tool to tak=
out there, more options you could say.
I am however interested in the contraption that Rich is coming up with "the
cube" it would be interesting to hear 4 x MKH-20's going into the new sound
devices 744 but bloody pricey to say the least!
Martyn Stewart
Bird and Animal Sounds Digitally Recorded at:
N47.65543 W121.98428
Redmond. Washington. USA
Make every Garden a wildlife Habitat!