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Re: Headphones

Subject: Re: Headphones
From: "digidandy" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 13:57:49 -0000
> > I had not seen the Remote Audio units. So they work well?
> > The Sennhesier HD 280 pros are about -30dB. My wife uses a pair as
> > she sews and she says they work better than any thing else she's
> > tried. Rob D.
> I like the HD280s too. I like the sound better and they squeeze my
> skull less than the Remote Audio phones.

Just to follow up on that: I recently bought the HD280s, and I love
them. Sound quality is great, and while I mainly use them for
monitoring/composing applications in my living room - where it isn't
always quiet, one could say - I imagine they would be great in the
field, too.

They fit my head very nicely, and I can wear them for a long time
before "head squeeze fatigue" sets in. And they're rather cheap now
($90 at B&H, I think).

Noise reduction is significant.


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