From: Mr_Krava <>
> Hi, I'm wondering if omebody could suggest me a good setup where I could go
> out and record "outside" sounds like lots of nature stuff.......and
> industrial type sounds.
> I need to know type of recorder and good microphones to use......
> Sine I'm new to doing this, entry level to semi-pro pricing. Actually, I'
> interested in knowing if people are doing what i intend to do already - and
> they could pass on som tips and maybe there equipment they've been using.
You will need to be a little more specific, what you describe recording
includes a variety of possible setups.
For entry level on the recorder, I believe the minidisc walkman style
still are the way to go. I use the pro level HHb Portadisc, a lot more
money, and worth it. If you intend to spend at that level, or above,
your recorder choices are more diverse.
Do you intend to record individual sounds, then mix them into some form
of composition? If so, you might want to join the phonography group.
That was originally a group formed by some members of this group who
were interested in this sort of thing, or recording more than nature.
They do not tend to get as in depth as to equipment as here, but
otherwise could be a useful group.
Do you intend to record stereo? Or only mono?
Are you more interested in individual calls, or in the calls in their
entire natural environment? Optimum mics for those two uses differ.
In any case, your mic choices are more important than the recorder. Most
modern recorders will do a decent job, with some differences.
How much are you considering spending?
What sort of sound quality are you looking to produce?