G'day and Seasons greetings!
Im getting into recording bird sounds and currently using a Samsung
Digimax V4 digital camera to record audio. This does quite a good job
but its records in CCIT uLaw format. This makes for a small file but
I'm not sure what sort of distortion figures it makes and for the
freq bandwith generally.
Its sounds OK but then I have moderate to severe HF hearing loss.
Nothing much above 10Khz and lowered sensitivity. On the margin
where I may have to consider hearing aids.
I used to be into' ham' radio and electronics so have tecnical
background but
not very conversant in audio recording/file format stuff.
To use this with sundry sonagram progs which I'm still evaluating
I have to convert this to standard PCM wave format.
It would seem I have two options.
1. Get a 'proper" sound recorder - i.e minidisc or similar.
2. Stay with camera and convert ulaw format wavs.
I would be interested to get opinions as to option 1 - what
people are using. Flash recorders? recording quality???
2 how does this affect sonagram generation i.e clarity of display etc.
Im getting interested in our resident Blackbird's song.
He been in full voice for some weeks andI have been developing an
interest in looking into his song. I have also found a nother BB
whose song is quite diffeent living just a few hundred meters away.
I would like to analyse these songs on a long term basis and to look
at sequences/phrases etc.
I have joined BIRDING-AUS news group and intend to join
Many thanks for reading this and I will be very interested/ and
appreciative in any info.
Can you kindly reply direct to ranftg at webone dot com dot au
Graham Ranft in Canberra Australia