Hakon Soreide, you wrote,
>Does any one know, what the adverse effects of downsampling a
>recording made at more than 16bit/44.1KHz when resampling for audio
>CD, for instance?
Inaudible with current technology.
>As long as the resolution is not a multiple of the CD's sampling
>rate - particularly when it comes to the frequency of samples - I
>assume that the quality of resampling might be dependent on the
>algorithm used by the software conducting the conversion?
That's right. Very good ones are available, so it isn't a problem any more.
>If there are adverse effects of such downsampling, wouldn't that
>also mean that when recording for CD, a sampling rate of
>16bit/44.1KHz would be the best unless a much higher rate is
>possible to achieve on the recording equipment in question?
-Dan Dugan