Hi all,
Here's a message from Minnesota Public Radio's Annie Baxter. Get in touch
with her if you're interested...
Minnesota Public Radio's Annie Baxter is looking for nature recordings
that pertain to the season (fall, winter, etc). She's been running an
occasional series on nature sounds: the pieces are about a minute long
and include one minute of sound with a description of the critter making
it. If you submit something, you need to know where you recorded the
critter, what month/time of day you did so, and offer a correct
identification of what it is. Cool, seasonal sounds that aren't
necessarily made by a creature are also welcome (e.g. ice rumbling on a
lake). Either way, you need to have at least a minute of the sound
recorded. There is no pay involved in this arrangement (at this point),
but you will get credited for your stuff on MPR. Preference given for
sounds that are recorded in Minnesota or nearby states.
Annie Baxter
Minnesota Public Radio
320-363-7702 ext. 16