From: "Dave" <>
> We have had Red Foxes in the area this Spring and
> I have seen one of them from time to time. Tonite
> at a little after midnight there was a caterwauling
> outside that I at first presumed was being produced
> by local cats, but then after a bit I began to wonder
> if it was perhaps the fox eating the local cats. So
> I went out with my flashlight to see what I could see.
> I caught sight of one fox. No dead cats. The fox
> glanced back at me and then loped off into more
> distant vegetation. Later there was more of the
> mewing/screeching. Does anyone here know what
> various sounds a Red fox makes?
For many years there was a fox den on the vacant land next to ours. Out
at night they made all kinds of sounds. Many not fox like and could make
you jump. The den is not active now, though there are still fox here.
Sounds like I think you are describing are within what I heard.
We have cats, never had one taken by a fox. Considering that Charlie in
his prime beat up and ran off a full grown German Shepard one day,
chasing him off through the woods, maybe the fox might be the one in
danger. Though since Charlie is now nearly completely blind he's safe
from that quarter. But we have younger cats.